Friday, March 30, 2012

Spenserian Sonnet: Draft

How splendidly lucky I am in love,
Caught in the brilliant ray of sky blue gaze.
Tangled in the touch of hands without gloves,
With a glance, walls of solitude are razed.

We frollicked in meadows, where lambs did graze,
Rolled through the abyssopelagic sea.
I was incensed by Love's sweet, heavy haze,
And every catch of breath was ecstasy.

No more will I know Love's throes or its glee,
Never again will I feel your embrace.
No more shall I be in pleasant comp'ny,
For ne'er more may my gaze rest on your face.

Once, we were we, soft! our love did decline.
Once, I knew love, ah! its touch was divine.


  1. Brilliantly old-fashioned and full of emotion. Now that I know you can do the 18th century thing, I'm going to push you to write super-informal, 21st century poems, just so you add another arrow to your poetic quiver!

    Abyssopelagic? Indeed!

  2. The first thing I noticed about this poem was the wonderful use of imagery. I think you did a very nice job in painting a picture in my mind and I really enjoyed your poem.
